Category Archives: Carman-Ainsworth District

School of Choice

Applications for school of choice are being accepted now through June 10. If you do not live in the CA school district, but wish to have your child(s) attend our schools, you must apply through the State Schools of Choice Program. Information and registration form below.

School of Choice Information

School of Choice Information

School of Choice registration form

School of Choice registration form


American Youth Soccer Orgranization

The American Youth Soccer Organization is coming to Flint, so don’t miss out on your opportunity to be a part of this wonderful soccer  event! Check the flyer below for more details. Registration is open NOW!


Title I Scientist Visits Dillon Elementary

Title I brought in a Scientist to teach Dillon Elementary students all about bones!

Dillon Elementary Musical

Dillon’s third-grade students had their musical April 24 with the theme Make a Difference. There was a performance Thursday night for parents and friends and a performance Friday during school for the classes. Thank you Mrs. Hall for making this program a success and making our Third Graders shine! You’re the best!

Senior Post Grad Party

Class of 2014!! It is your night to celebrate!  The all-night party will be June 5th after graduation from 10:00 pm – 5:00 am.  Tickets will be sold during cap & gown pick up & Honors Night on May 29th.   All tickets purchased before the event are $20 and students will be entered into a raffle for a trip into the cash cube to win money. Tickets sold at the door are $25.


Kroger Community Rewards & Robotics


It is time to get the word out again for the Re-enrollment for Kroger Community Rewards.

For a member to re-enroll their card, simply go to

• Click “sign-in”

• Put in email address and password used to enroll card

• Put in the group number or part of the name of the organization (Our NPO number is 91875)

• Choose the correct organization.

• Click Enroll

You are now enrolled for the May 1st 2014 to April 30th 2015 year of Kroger Community Rewards.

If you are having an issue with your password and or email address please call 1-800-KROGERS, press 5 to speak with a customer service representative.

If it is the first time you are registering you will need to set-up an account first.

• For a member to enroll their card, simply go to

• Click “create an account”

• Put in email address and password. Confirm password.

• Enter plus card OR alt ID number

• Go to Community Rewards (near bottom)

• Follow through the steps (name, address, etc.)

• Put in the group number or part of the name of the organization (Our NPO number is 91875)

• Choose the correct organization.

• Click Enroll

You are now enrolled for the May 1st 2014 to April 30th 2015 year of Kroger Community Rewards.

Sign up and let your card support us when you do your regular shopping!

Dillon Elementary Students Celebrate Earth Day

Kindergarteners at Dillon celebrated Earth Day in a tasty way!

Dillon Students Receive Certificates

We have been teaching our students all year about how to act at an assembly. This past assembly we gave out certificates. Thanks for using proper assembly etiquette!

11th Annual Robotics Academy


Looking for a fun and creative summer activity? Look no further. The 11th annual Robotics Academy will take place on June 16-20 at Rankin Elementary. Click here for more details and to register for the event.


What a Way for Shopping!

What a Way for Shopping! Great for Graduation Open Houses!

1 – Take care of gift-giving and every day shopping

2 – You don’t have to fight the crowds

3 – What a great way of supporting the Robotics teams

Current participating retailers list here. Email orders to Delivery takes approximately 1 week and payment is due on delivery. If cards are in sooner, you will be contacted as they arrive.

We accept Cash, Checks and Credit Cards. If payment is done by credit card, a 3% charge will be added to total of order.

If any questions, email Ellen Crain at or call 810-691-2810.