Category Archives: Carman-Ainsworth District
Youth Basketball
This league is designed for both beginning and experienced players, and no previous basketball experience is required.
- Full-Court play
- 2 registered officials per court
- Jersey
- Practice once a week
- Instruction
Cost: $65.00 ($55 if you have a jersey from Fall 2013 League)
Location: C-A Middle School; 1409 Maple Road
Practice Begins: Week of February 3, 2014 (Coaches determine days & times)
Games Begin: Saturday, February 22, 2014; 9:00 a.m. — Schedule to be announced
Physical must be on file with Community Education or one must be submitted prior to beginning practice sessions.
DEADLINE January 17, 2014
Parent/Player/Coach Meet the Team
Saturday, February 1, 2014; 10:30 a.m.; C-A Middle School
Volunteer coaches are needed! Please call 810-591-7238 if you are interested. Coach your child’s team and receive a $25 discount.
Register online at:
Call 810-591-3600 for more information
It’s Never Too Early (or too late) to Begin Saving For College
One tool available for families is the Michigan Education Savings (529) Program. Parents, grandparents, family and friends can start an account with as little as $25. Additional contributions can be made at any time in a variety of ways.
Any earnings on distributions from your MESP account used to pay for qualified higher education expenses will be free from Federal and state income tax.
Michigan taxpayers may also be eligible for a Michigan income tax deduction on contributions made to MESP up to $10,000 for married couples filing jointly or $5,000 for individuals filing single per calendar year. A Michigan taxpayer is permitted a deduction from Michigan adjusted gross income for a contribution(s) to a MESP account(s) less any Qualified Withdrawals from a MESP account(s) made during the same calendar year. Amounts transferred or rolled over from another Section 529 plan are not eligible for a Michigan income tax deduction.
For more information
How to Help: Provide Guidance — Helping Your Child With Homework
The basic rule is, “Don’t do the assignments yourself.” It’s not your homework—it’s your child’s. “I’ve had kids hand in homework that’s in their parents’ handwriting,” one eighth-grade teacher complains. Doing assignments for your child won’t help him understand and use information. And it won’t help him become confident in his own abilities.
Here are some ways that you can provide guidance without taking over your child’s homework.
Learning Community Students Decorate Cookies!
Ms. Beth and Ms. Jamie’s Prek and Multi-Age class having fun decorating their cookies to eat for snack.
Pre-Kindergarten Class Decorates Cookies!
Mrs. Eby’s Prekindergarten class at The Learning Community had fun decorating cookies and they are enjoying eating them.
Support our Local Authors
Carman-Ainsworth can proudly say it has multiple authors on staff; Ben Anderson, Jessica Mathews, and Carrie Mattern have all written books! If you are in need of a good book or gift idea, consider supporting our local C-A authors.
Ben Anderson authored Liam’s Fishing Lesson with Grandpa. Liam is determined to come home with a prize catch, but ends up with a lot more swimming around in his head at the end of the day. This book is an illustrated, realistic fiction. At 50 pages in length, the book is about the Michigan ecosystem. It was designed for 8-10 year olds who like the outdoors. You can purchase it at
Jessica Mathews wrote Simply: A Collection of Poetry. If people would like an autographed copy for the holidays, they can email her at for more information. It can also be ordered online at
Carrie Mattern has a sale on her books through Friday of this week. You get all three of her books two are for younger children (Papa, Why Does the Wind Blow and Welcome Little Leo), one is for a young adult (All About Jane), all can be signed and shipped for the holidays at $40. Email her at for more information.
Lastly, Carrie and Jessica will be hosting an open mic night on New Year’s Eve at Cafe Rhema, which is located in Downtown Flint, from 6-8 PM. Everyone is welcomed to read, listen, and enjoy the talents of people in the Flint area.
Reading of “Lear Reassembled” from University of Michigan-Flint English majors
What do Shakespeare and Flint have in common?
Come hear the reading of “Lear Reassembled” and find out!
A class of University of Michigan-Flint English majors has adapted Shakespeare’sKing Lear to a contemporary Flint context. The students will be performing two free, public readings of their play. Come out to hear their completed adaptation, and afterwards to engage in a conversation about Flint, English and Literature, tragedies, and hope.
Tuesday December 10th at 10 am in the University of Michigan-Flint Theater
Thursday, December 12th at 4 pm at the Flint Youth Theater
What a Way for Shopping!
This holiday season you can avoid crowds, finish your holiday shopping and support the Robotics team at the same time!
Our current participating retailer list is attached. Email orders go to Delivery takes approximately 1 week and payment is due on delivery. If cards are in sooner, you will be contacted as they arrive.
We accept Cash, Checks and Credit Cards. If payment is done by credit card, a 3% charge will be added to total of order.
If any questions, email Ellen Crain at or call 810-691-2810.
The Old Newsboys of Flint’s Christmas Box Program
The Old Newsboys of Flint’s Christmas Box Program is designed to be a safety net to provide gifts to children (from birth to age 18 if still in high school) who might otherwise go without.
Enrollment is open thru December 23rd – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm and on Wednesday from 8:30 am – 6:00 pm. Closed between 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
To apply to this program, the parent or legal guardian must come to the Old Newsboys office at 6255 Taylor Drive, Flint MI (Furthest south door on the west side of the building) during the scheduled enrollment times. The parent or legal guardian must:
1. BRING their Drivers License or Michigan State ID that proves residency in Genesee County.
2. BRING their Social Security card
3. BRING the Birth Certificates or Judgements of Legal Custody for each child enrolled
4. Bring ONE of the three documents listed below demonstrating low income status
2012 Tax records
Current Michigan Medicaid Card
Acceptance to Federal Lunch Program
When you arrive….
Understand that EVEN IF your children have received gifts from the Old Newsboys in the past, all of the above listed paperwork must be provided each year they are enrolled.
You may not sign up for more than one (similar service) agency during the holidays. The Old Newsboys is in a service pool with 11 local agencies that provide Christmastime assistance. If you appear on one of the lists from another agency, you may be required to obtain a letter of release from that agency or forfeit your box from the Old Newsboys of Flint.
Occasionally special circumstance occur. Please contact the Old Newsboys office to see if special circumstances exist to qualify your child.
810-744-1840 •