Category Archives: Dye Elementary
Chairs Donated to Dye
Mr. Pease a Grandparent at Dye Elementary donated 2 chairs to Mrs. Estis, 2nd grade class and Miss Olivo’s, Kindergarten class. Mr. Pease donated his time and Home Depot donated the materials. A big Dye thank you to Mr. Pease for his generous donation.
Popcorn Sales at Dye
Mrs. Keskes CI classroom at Dye had fun preparing popcorn to sell on Friday, October 25th. The proceeds will be going towards the MiCI Life Skills Program in her classroom. The fundraiser was a huge success, they raised $190.00. Way to go Mrs. Keskes Class!
Halloween at Dye Elementary!
Dye students had an awesome time celebrating Halloween last week.
Annual Winter Coat Giveaway
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Living Word Church of God
6325 Calkins Road
Call June at 810-965-5707 for any questions.
There will be a limit of one coat per adult/child. Children do NOT have to be present, but parents must have their children’s MIHealth Card. A photo ID will be required of all adults.
Mrs. Hotchkiss Class Receives Donation
Mrs. Hotchkiss’ class was blessed once again with some wonderful supplies donated through donors choose! Mrs. Hotchkiss put in a proposal for wireless headphones and educational games for her interactive whiteboard through Several generous donors from all over the United States help her meet that goal. Her students are able to practice the skills that have been taught to them independently during their computer station time. Mrs. Hotchkiss stated “They get so excited about using the new games and interactive whiteboard. I get excited too, because I know they are practicing the skills that I have already taught them.”
Dye YouthQuest Update
This past week really took flight! Our first field trip of the year was to Owosso Community Airport on Saturday, where Major Tim Harwood, Airport Manager and also a member of Civil Air Patrol showed our students what an airplane hangar looks like. The students also learned how the planes are stored and tied down to the ground in case of bad weather. An Emergency Location Transmitter was hidden and the students used Urban Direction Finding equipment to locate it, just like they were on a real search and rescue mission.
Students in fourth and fifth made duct tape wallets and purses. Kindergarten and first graders worked on their yoga positions. Second grade made slime out of cornstarch and shaving cream.
Second through fifth graders will be marching in the C-A Homecoming parade on October 11th. Go C-A!
Any questions, please call Donna Arnold at 810-922-1965.
Dye Elementary Title I News
Parents often ask how they can be involved in their child’s education when they are working or busy with younger children. Here are some ways to be involved without ever leaving home:
- Check your child’s backpack every night for important notes and papers.
- Look for the blue homework folder every week to see how your child is doing. Write a note back to the teacher if you have any questions.
- Read to your child or listen to him/her read to you. Try to do this for fifteen minutes every night.
- Simply ask your child about school. Many children will just answer with “fine” or “Nothing”. Ask again and talk about what they are learning.
Hardworking Bulldogs at Dye
Congratulations to all of our Hardworking Bulldogs at Dye! Each Friday a student from each class who has done exceptional work on an assignment is chosen to have the work displayed on the Hardworking Bulldog Board. Keep up the great work!
Dye Elementary Book Fair
Elementary Lost and Founds Already Overflowing!
If your child’s name is on their belongings we can get them returned. Any time you are in the building please ask to see the Lost & Found area, especially if you are missing items. Almost all busses also have a Lost & Found box on their bus. Please have your child check with the bus driver if they are missing something.
Now that the weather is getting a little cooler in the mornings students are being sent to school with light jackets. By lunch time it is warming up and they take those jackets off. PLEASE make sure to put your child’s name on the tag of the jacket. We donated many items at the end of last school year because they were never claimed.