Dillon and Dye Elementaries participate In “Trip Around the World” Title I event

Families at Dillon and Dye Elementaries participated in the “Trip Around the World” Title I event during parent-teacher conferences on March 5th.  Students were able to explore science and social studies using books, maps, crafts, and games.  They identified the continents, followed directions on a floor map, and studied the differences between countries, states, cities, and neighborhoods.  The highlight of the night was the build-your-own brownie sundae to represent the layers of the earth!

Rankin Elementary Visits YMCA Storer Camp

Rankin’s 3rd & 5th graders went to YMCA Storer Camp this winter. Students enjoyed many lessons about; pioneer life, reptiles, star lab, birds, predator and prey, and the Underground Railroad.

Carman-Ainsworth High School 3rd Marketing Period Honor Roll

3.8-4.0 High Honors 3.8-4.0 High Honors 3.8-4.0 High Honors 3.8-4.0 High Honors
Ampy, Jazmine J. Abdel-Hay, Yahya Andrew, Amanda P. Bell, Karla K.*
Ayotte, Alexandria M. Al-Harastani, Masa Aubrey, Christian G.* Black, Jada M.*
Bailey, Leah S. Avery, Natalia A. Bhagat, Jina J.* Boulden, Alexandria P.
Bamford, Melody L. Bostwick, Emma E. Bissonette, Lauryn M. Bowers, Alyla J.
Bayes, Kalin R. Brock, Therese C.* Brown, Alicia M. Bowie, Kaitlyn M.
Book, Brendan L. Cochran, Kenneth R. Clayton, Sameika T. Boyd, Chante’ J.*
Bowman, Acajah L. Cox, Madison L. Cox, Caity A. Carroll, Maxwell J.
Brooks, Taylor J.* Dittenber, Allyson M.* Curtis, Bailey M.* Conner, Makai A.
Cochran, Aasha A.* Dollinger, Dorothy M.* DePew, Laura A. Cook, Natalie E.*
Golson, Tia M.* Dudley, Jeremiah R. Dollinger, Eleanor R. Dang, Evangelina B.*
Harris-Salaam, Se’andre’ Galal, Sahar O.* Duboise, Donnie’ L. Davis, Raigan M.*
Henderson, Alexis M. Gleason, Alanna M. Dyke, Madison M. Fairbrother, Alexandra R
Howard, Arnell R.* Hachem, Farah K. Ebert, Garrett A.* Hafez, Zainab
Hughes, Briaunna S. Hayes, Brandon J. Edelen, A’Vion N. Holland, Aleysha R.
Johnson, Ronald C. Jr Hicks, DeAndre T. Evans, Denayha M. King, Danielle S.*
Koegel, Chloe P.* Jarnigin, Taylor M.* Fiewig, Spencer J. Koegel, Carson J.*
Legardye, Deja B. Jerome, Austin C. Franklin, Khali Kuczera, Rachel S.
Li, Vladislav A. Johnson, Emily K.* Gill, Jimese S. Lewis, Ja’kavien K.
McFadden, Sydney G.* Kassel, Dahlia A.* Haygood, En’Dea S. McClellan, Michael A. Jr
Medhanie, Ribka Khan, Rida M.* Hicks, Shakeelah H. McCulley, Moni’echa R.
Miekstyn, Nathan A. King, Allison N. Hubbard, Kaitlyn A. McGilvery, Kate L.
Miller, Chelsea L.* Lewis, Jalen A. Humphrey, Jayla D. Montgomery, Adrian J.
Montgomery, Devont’e L. Macko, Ryan E. Hynan, Isabelle L.* Moore, Macie L.
Montgomery, Zariah T. Maguffee, Cameron L. Jafari, Hamza* Morgan, Alexis N.
Moore, Luke C. McCoy, Cherika C. Johnson, Shakara R. Parker, Mariah M.*
Mosley, Tiera A.* McGee, Darius D. King, Justin A. Sherrer, Morgan M.*
Olson, Amanda D. McGuire, Brianna G.* Kumar, Nitiyaja* Shukairy, Nisreen*
Oyola, Jonathan J. Norris, William J. IV Lowe, Alexis M.* Southward, Shai’tara D.
Pangerl, Tyler R.* Perkins, Tiara L. Mason, D’Mya A. Speaks, Katie L.*
Pletner, Sabrina L. Pompey, Rochelle I. Minzey, Natalie O. Thomas, Alyssa S.
Ritchie, Michael B. Jr Richardson, Randi R.* Pearson, Chelsea C.* Woolard, Nicole R.
Rousseau, Bailey S.* Shukairy, Uthman M.* Pepitone, Megan L. Yost, Jacob J.*
Sarver, Aletha J. Smith, TySionna T. Phillips, Austin T. *=4.0 GPA
Shippy, Skyler E. Vanderhyde, Noah S. Richard, Bre’lanee N.
Smith, Crystal A. White, Ariana A.* Rosebrough, Donnie M.
Wynn, Deonna A. Young, Victoria L. Scott, Mitoya L.*
Yost, Austin J. * = 4.0 GPA Shelton, Mahogany M.
Zaiter, Kyce A. Silva, Leticia E.*
* = 4.0 GPA Simpson, Ivrie S.
Smith, Tyona S.
Thompson, Alexia M.
Travis, Hunter M.
Van Duyne, Olivia M.*
Vantine, Arianna M.
Whittington, Tiffany C.
Woolard, Miranda L.*
* = 4.0 GPA
3.5-3.79 Honors 3.5-3.79 Honors 3.5-3.79 Honors 3.5-3.79 Honors
Alatrash, Waj’d A. Abernathy-Wynn, Ashante’ Abdel-Hay, Yazeed Anderson, A’Naia J.
Alzahabi, Ahmad Aseltine, Paige K. Andrews, Montanna A. Banks Hearst, Arriyana E
Anderson, Nicole L. Brantley, Kendal K. Atkins, Madison A. Brooks, Mykala I.
Baker, Jessica M. Carpenter, Brandyn A. Boose, MacDaniel L. Jr Burgess, Hannah G.
Bell, Leon II Carpenter, Chelsey L. Bragg, Kendall M. Calhoun, Bless J.
Bosworth, Alissa C. Crowder, Danielle N. Brooks, Ta’Jai L. Carpenter, Cameryn J.
Bowman, Dazjah C. Dunigan, Daij’a L. Buckley, Zeontre’ M. Collins, Arron M.
Brandon, Korbin R. Dunk, Te’asia R. Card, Tiffany M. Darnell, Samantha J.
Brophy, Meagan R. Hamlin, Bre’asia L. Collins, Andrew D. Davis, Destiny M.
Bush, TyQuanda S. Heit, Danielle L. Cozart, Jazmine N. Dyke, Curtis M.
Daaboul, Rewa D. Hernandez, Regina T. Craft, Nathaniel C. Earley, Nakiya J.
Dana, Hailee C. Hindman, Kaylee M. Cunningham, Joshua E. Fryer, Ta’mya K.
Dunn, Larry D. II Holder, Korey J. Evans, Ashley R. Hamlet, Kaysha D.
Dupree, Benjamin I. Khoulani, Belal M. Fowlkes, Alaysia D. Harrison, Tayler A.
Echols, Brittany L. Link, Madison D. Green, Lauryn N. Holland, Autumn T.
Garcia, Alyssa J. Macko, Raymond A. Green, Samantha R. Kavula, Amber L.
Gruber, Bernardette J. McClellan, Mercedes E. Greer, Zachary J. Kiras, Tabitha A.
Hancock, Nikki S. Perkins, Xaivier D. Kincaid, Keziah J. Lawrence, Taylor M.
Howie, John M. Rawls, David W. III Lawrence, Bryanna M. Locke, Jacob R.
Ishaq, Samer G. Schlosser, Dominic E. Legardye, Maiya S. Locke, Jasmine M.
Jackson, Armani L. Stallings, Jamia J. Lewis, Earnest J. Maguffee, Shaelyn R.
Jimmerson, Khira M. Standish, Jacob M. Martin, Jalon A. McGruder, Khalia A.
Johnson, Ashley L. Thurston, Sarah D. McGann, Janelle E. Mixon, Aleah T.
Johnson, Devonte M. Verdun-Jennings, Chaunjo Miller-Thompson, Jahanna Pelky, Ariel M.
Jones, Chaquia J. Williams, Harmany D. Moore, Shaniah N. Reed-Gonzalez, Zophieia
Kopp, Dana M. Williams, Ta’sheena M. O’Neil, Karisma E. Roberts, Jacari L.
Little, Sarah A. Wilson, Jayla D. Palmer, Zahria L. Rousseau, Griffin M.
Mendoza-Holcomb, Selena Younger, Amari S. Pangerl, Wyatt A. Stephens, Andrew N.
Miller, Denijah L. Pearson, Channing M. II Tipton-Thomas, Mizahnyi
Moore, Ethan P. Pettigrew, Baylie A. Woods, Krystal M.
Moye, Alvin Jr Pittman, Deja L. Young, Brittany H.
Overton, Morgan D. Rambus, Mariah J.
Parker, James S. Jr Ritchie, Alexis M.
Parsons, Faith E. Shipley, Hunter N.
Ruffin, Tihirah S. Tucker, Lyndan M.
Scales, Diamond J. White, Laiya S.
Smith, Jessica L. Yambrick, Connor J.
Swain, Oliver M.
Thompson, Tiffany A.
Tilley, Sara K.
Travis, Mackenzie M.
VanTol, Emilee S.
Ward, Kelsey L.
Youssef, Al-Hasen H.
3.00-3.49 W/Honors 3.00-3.49 W/Honors 3.00-3.49 W/Honors 3.00-3.49 W/Honors
Arrowood, Rachel N. Golston, Takyla A. Allen, Ariyan D. Abron, Andre’naya J.
Bell, Amari L. Howell, Yasmin M. Amthor, Zachariah J. Adams-Marshall, Destinee
Bransford, Jaylen W. Bradley, Jaylen L. Arterberrie, Mary E. Al-Droubi, Fatema
Brantley, Stanley D. Perkins, Mashya C. Avery, Kawana R. Allen, Skyy A.
Brown, Brandi C. Duncan, Aleah B. Barclay, Sloan R. Avery, Timothy L. II
Brown, Kianna M. Molloseau, Ryan M. Battles, Robert L. Jr Brewer, Zachary R.
Caldwell, Kamry M. Young, Isaac A. Benton, Martease A. Brown, Ashton L.
Clemons, Tyrus J. Dunlap, Cameron L. Bly, Charis S. Brown, Jalyn K.
Crain, Amani M. Brall, Todjaray J. Boose, Dereka L. Byrd, Makhia N.
Daniels, Italia T. Shipley, Stephanie M. Boss, Alexis H. Carter, Jontae’ S.
Dawkins, Milik M. Vineyard, Alexandra G. Brewer-Sanders, Shaneka Colyer, Liam C.
Dunn, Ahmir R. Coleman, Clinton III Brown, Andrea G. Cooper, Malaysha M.
Evans, Juwan B. Gibson, Korriyah D. Brown, David J. Delong, Nathan S.
Farmer, Ta’mia S. League, Madysen C. Byrd, Montraee T. II Ebarb, Christina A.
Gilbert, Autumn E. Pincomb, Quinton O. Carnes, Bronson E. II Fare, Alexis M.
Graham, Kyle C. Fowlkes, Diamond A. Carpenter-Smith, Ashton Gross, Erin N.
Hachem, Hadi A. Latchaw, Chelsea J. Chapman, Shamiya Q. Hall, Charles T. III
Hamilton, Brittany M. Menard, Alexis A. Clay, Ahmard R. Jr Haskins, Wyntr M.
Hernandez, Mariel M. Kelly, Allontra V. Collins, Luther W. Holder, Jamison A.
Jamison, Aliyah C. McNeal, Brittney A. Crews, Brianna M. Howell, Sophia U.
Johns, Clayton M. Nunn, Jordan T. Daniels, Taliyha R. Jacobs, Alexis K.
Johnson, Devyn T. Virgo, Shelby N. Davis, Teaira S. Jefferson, Morgan G.
Kelley, Aliecia C. Nelson, TaDaria T. Dixon, James A. Jenkins, Domonique R.
Kunkle, Taylor M. Bauer, Noah M. Dombrowski, Joshua J. Johnson, Jacobi L.
Mahdi, Qadriyyah T. Edwards, Jaz M. Edmonds, Ke’air R. Johnson, Kathlyn E.
McCulley, TaTeonna L. Smith, Mya J. Epps, Brandon E. Johnson, LaTisha L.
McKeller, Tionna S. Coon, Christopher J. Fell, Caitlyn J. Lawson, William B.
Montgomery, Tanasia B. Gifford, Brittany R. Fischer, Michael A. Malone, Jeanetta A.
Moore, Drew W. Hatter, Sterling L. Fisher, Anthony J. March, Austin T.
Orrison, Aubrey R. House, Alexis B. Ford, Janay N. McAfee, Logan C.
Pittman, Wisdom A. III Cooper, Ocean A. Franklin, Keith McDaniel, Kemari D.
Powell, Justin C. Haynes, Mariah M. Gagnon, Aaron M. McIntosh, Kelsey R.
Scribner, Andrew R. Williams, Jalen M. Green, Trent A. McNew, Cierra N.
Serna, Alyssa M. Harris, Jayla M. Greene, Kevin A. III Osborn, Shayne A.
Shanks, Kelly M. Miller, Clordy J. Grimm, Malissa M. Payne, Ivan J.
Sherrer, Ronald B. III Bachmeier, Ericson D. Hachem, Ali H. Phillips, Alexandria R.
Shields, Ja’nayia N. Thomas, Alexus M. Hall, Destiny C. Powell, Shamonica J.
Shipley, Troy N. Walker, Sierra D. Hill, Amari D. Primm, Casundra J.
Slayton, Catherine C. Boyd, Nathaniel E. Hopson, Aaron J. Scott, Crystal N.
Smith, Tamiekco N. Hill, Dymond K. Huggins, Kaitlyn E. Sheely, Yazmine M.
Springer, Tyler M. Jackson, Malik J. Hunter, Eric D. II Smoots-Hoyle, Cherry A.
Thomas, De’borah S. Cunningham, Sydney S. Hyde, Emily B. Sutherland, Montana J.
Thompson, Andrea D. Johnson, Raina J. Hylton, Tyrell J. Thomas, Adam T.
Toins, Aireona M. Montgomery, Shannon E. Jarrett, Lequine D. Jr Thomas, Ryan J.
Toins, Keshon L. Johnson, Ajah M. Wells, Ashlei R.
Walker, Ebonee L. Johnson, Teaundra C. White, Jacob D.
Walker, Emanee L. Johnson-Chapman, A’Teonn Williams, Erykah L.
Wallace, Ricshay D. Jones, Alonna C. Yearby, Kya N.
White, Tarelle A. Jones, Terrail K. II Young, Marianna M.
Whitehead, Jerimiah J. Karhoff, Dylan C.
Williams, Nathaniel D. J Keaton, Dymone Z.
Williams, Ricky L. Key, Shayonna M.
Williams-Grady, Kalen D. Kirksey, Dejah C.
Woodfield, Keifer R. Latchaw, Wesleyanne F.
Laury, Leeona M.
Lawler, Samiah I.
Liddle, Madelyn F.
Little, Megan S.
Love, Giahanna A.
Magnuson, Ashley M.
Maness, Lane M.
McFadden, Jamesha R.
McNair, Ahveonna I.
McNair, Dajene’ N.
McNair, Ty’ler S.
Moore, Taryn A.
O’Neal, Jared P.
Osborn, Shane A.
Parks, Antonio A.
Pearson, Cheyenne C.
Powell, Jonathan M.
Rhinebolt, Nathan L.
Robinson, Brittany M.
Rosser, Alicia N.
Scales, Briana J.
Scales, Takeyia M.
Scrase, Kylie D.
Shackelford, Nyrrah N.
Shoffer, Lucas C.
Smith, Selena S.
Spottsville, Ni’yairra T
Taylor, My’Kayla C.
Thabet, Khaled A.
Thomas, Treyvion A.
Todd, Carter L.
Tomkinson, Justin L.
Vanderson, Christopher E
Vinson, Jalen L.
Wagner, Sarah J.
Walters, E’Driece K.
Watts, Tescanie A.
Williams, Christian D.
Winfrey, Xavier I. II

C-A Kindergarten Roundup

Getting ReadyDo you have a child who is eligible to attend kindergarten in the fall? If your child turns age 5 by September 1, 2015 (PLEASE NOTE: This is a change in the age requirement pursuant to Senate Bills 315 and 316), please plan to attend C-A Kindergarten Roundup.

Click here to view flyer with all details.

Professor Hughes Gives CAD Presentation To CAMS

Professor Hughes making a CAD (Computer Assisted Design) presentation to 8th grade students from CAMS. Students also saw the Electronics, Fabrication lab, and the green house. They visited Mott Community College on Tuesday, March 3rd.


Dillon Elementary Activities

Mott Community College Tour

CAHS 10th grade students participated in a career related tour of Mott Community College at the beginning of second semester. The tour was organized to introduce students to possible science, technology, engineering, and math, STEM, fields.  Students were divided to 4 groups and were taken on four different dates. They visited various STEM related sites such as 3-D Fabrication laboratory, auto mechanic shop, health sciences lab with life like manikins, and several other places on campus.  Students then reflected on their career related experience upon their return to the high school.

Dye Parent Club News

  • Thank you to all the students who participated in the Nature’s Vision Fundraiser, it was a huge success.  Orders will be available for pick up during the Parent Teacher Conferences, March 4th & 5th.  Nature’s Vision will still accept order up to June 1st.  Please feel free to contact Cindy Wells at dyeptc@carmanainsworth.org with any questions.
  • Hungry Howie Fundraiser Cards are still for sale, order forms can be turned in at any time. Forms are available in the Main Office until March 13th.
  • Pride T-shirts will be going on sale March 4th, order forms available at conferences.
  • Spaghetti Dinner w/Raffle on March 26th from 5:00 – 7:00
  • Meijer Community Rewards – information will be available at conferences

Plan on attending our next meeting on Tuesday, March 3rd at 4:15pm

Dual Enrollment Informational Meeting

As you may have heard, we have several opportunities for dual enrollment for the 2015-2016 school year for our students.  Dual enrollment offers students the opportunity to earn both high school and college credit for courses with very little cost to students.  As an example, the cost of twelve credits at the University of Michigan-Flint is approximately $5,600. Carman-Ainsworth High School will pay for the majority of these courses. The cost for our students would be around $1,500 plus the cost of textbooks which is a significant savings for our families. Courses at Mott Community College are typically fully covered by the school through dual-enrollment funding. There are three programs offered through UM-Flint for 2015-2016 for our 3.0 GPA and above 12th graders:  Pre-Engineering, Medical Sciences, and Fine Arts. In addition, we are offering a program through Mott Community College that includes ASL (American Sign Language) and social studies/humanities courses that are transferable to most Michigan colleges.

A Parent Informational meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 4th at 6:30 p.m. in the high school media center. 

C-A Launches Mobile Website App

GettyImages_181144228If you’re looking for the latest CA information it’s now at the tip of your finger. CA has developed a website that is compatible with mobile devices.

Click here to access App instructions.