Dillon Summer Science Camp: Day 6

More Title I Summer Science Camp

Dillon Summer Science Camp

Title I Summer Science Camp

Dillon and Rankin Elementary students enjoyed their first day of Title I Summer Science Camp at Dillon Elementary.  Students kept busy learning about the phases of the moon, experimenting with metric measurements and making animal track molds.

Incoming Seniors To Do List

A “To Do” List for Incoming 12th Graders


1.     Retake the ACT/SAT

2.     100% Up-to-Date EDP

  • Post secondary plan (college or tech school, military, apprenticeship, work, summer plan of action).

3.     Registration with the NCAA Clearinghouse (athletes only)

4.     Summer Plans Prior to Senior year

  • Work and save for college
  • Volunteer services at church, camps, elementary summer schools
  • Visit colleges of choice (official visits with a parent)

Community Ed Baseball program

Host Families Needed

Host Families Needed for 2014-15 Exchange Students!

Looking for a fun cultural experience for your family? We are in need of host families for high school exchange students. Please help by volunteering or by passing this to someone that may have an interest in this wonderful experience.

We are looking for volunteers who are interested in hosting an exchange student for the 14/15 school year. We have students 15-18 years old from around the world that will be arriving in late August for 5 or 10 months. We need host families for these students. We have students interested in a variety of activities including all kinds of sports, scouts, youth groups, piano, art, dance music, reading, math/science, skiing, baseball, soccer, volleyball, hiking/camping, basketball, choir, band, drawing and painting.

Host families provide a bed, meals at home and an inclusive family atmosphere. Students can share a room with a host sibling of the same sex and over the age of 13. Students take care of their own personal expenses and host families offer an opportunity to get to know the “real” Americans. Students would love to get to  know your community and become a part of your family.

We welcome all kinds of families; single parent, single person, couples with no kids, retirees and empty “nesters”! Exchange students can be a great role model and mentor for young kids. Bring the world into your home and have a memorable experience in the process!

Host Families provide the following to host a student:

  • A bed for the student (students can share a room)
  • Meals at home
  • Loving, caring, environment for the student

Students come with the following:

  • Ability to speak English at a high school level
  • Complete Health Insurance
  • Spending money for their needs (hygiene items, school supplies, clothes, long distance phone calls, etc.)
  • Open mind about their American experience

We have students from all over the world including: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, China, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Mongolia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam and many more.

Your interest is greatly appreciated, as we have students to place with good host families! Exchange students can be a positive influence on your family, school, and community! It’s so much fun to be a host family! If you would like more information, please contact your local coordinator as soon as possible so that we can give the exciting news to the student that their American dream is going to come true!

Visit our website for details and to apply. www.chinet.org/ayp

Rankin’s Robotic Camp

Twenty-three Rankin Elementary students participated in the Robotics Camp.  The following photos are of student presentations to their parents showcasing the things they learned during the week.

Superintendent’s Closing Article

A Year of Cavalier Pride


I often have the pleasure of speaking with Carman-Ainsworth Alumni or long-time residents who share their past experiences of C-A with me. Occasionally people will ask: “So…has Carman-Ainsworth changed”? I am eager to respond with a resounding: YES, C-A has changed over the years…and we are extremely proud of what we have accomplished. Consider these specific highlights from the 2013-14 School Year:

• The C-A Class of 2014 was offered over $3.3 Million in scholarships…the largest total to date;
• CAHS graduates have again been accepted to the most highly competitive schools of their choice across the nation including University of Pennsylvania and Yale University;
• Two C-A Robotics Teams won State Championships (first time ever) at both the High School (FRC) and Lego Robotics (FLL) Levels and earned the right to compete at the World Robotics Championships in St. Louis;
• Students at various levels across our district represented C-A (and won in some cases) Spelling Competitions at the county level;
• 3 Carman-Ainsworth Bands earned the right to compete at the State Band Festival (2 of the 3 earned an overall top rating of “1”);
• 171 Carman-Ainsworth Middle School students in 7th and 8th grades earned 195.5 high school credits in 2013-2014, prior to even entering high school;
• CAHS athletes won numerous individual and team Saginaw Valley Conference Championships;
• The CAHS Football and Girls Basketball Teams won our first-ever Division I Regional Championships respectively; and
• Our student-led Empathy for All (EFA) anti-bullying group was recognized by The Flint Journal as “Blueberry Ambassadors” for their community-based efforts;
• Countless students across our entire district earned individual and collective awards in all arenas of learning!

To be certain, Carman-Ainsworth is different than we were in the past…in fact, our students are earning awards and accomplishments at higher levels than ever before!

Moving Forward

As we plan for another successful year in 2014-15, please remember that learning cannot be put on hold over the summer months. Whether your child is attending our summer school programs, Community Education’s Camp Adventure, or by simply reading with them each day, we can help ensure that our children keep learning.

I wish you all a very relaxing, rejuvenating and safe summer break! Enjoy friends, family and (hopefully) beautiful weather!

Steve Tunnicliff, Ph.D.

Superintendent, Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools

Commit to Fit! End of Year Report

Carman-Ainsworth Middle School successfully completed its first year of the Commit to Fit! Project Healthy Schools program, which began in August 2013. Approximately 389 seventh grade students received Commit to Fit! 168722327Project Healthy Schools health and wellness education during physical education (PE) class, which was based on the five Commit to Fit! Project Healthy Schools goals:

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables
  • Make better beverage choices
  • Be active every day
  • Eat less fast and fatty foods
  • Spend less time in front of a screen

The ten core lessons were taught to all seventh grade P.E. classes by Ms. Masi and Ms. Cowen, the seventh grade P.E. teachers, with support from the Greater Flint Health Coalition and the University of Michigan’s project Healthy Schools consultant. To reach all seventh grade students, the lessons were conducted in both the fall and spring marking periods.

Click here for information.