Randels Newsletter
Our Michigan Weather
Please send your child to school with coats, hats. Gloves, boots, snow pants, and anything else to keep them warm and dry. Our children love to play outdoors so we need to dress them for the elements. Remember, unless the outside temperature is 0°F or lower the children will have outside recess. Children need a doctor’s excuse if they need to stay in from recess for more than two consecutive days.
Chuck E. Cheese Fundraiser Night
Tuesday, November 25th from 4:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Come out for a night of family fun. 10 tokens will be given to each student in attendance. Randels receives 15% of all sales at the counter. This includes tokens so remember to get your tokens at the counter and not at the machine.
From the Randels STAR Room
Title One News – When your child’s teacher uses the words “have your child retell the story” she wants your child to tell you:
– WHO is in the story (the characters)
– WHERE does the story take place (the setting)
– The ORDER OF EVENTS of the story in sequence (in the order they happened) Use key words such as: what happened first, next, then, last, and finally.
When your child can retell the story they just read, it is reinforcing that they are comprehending what they are reading and that they understand the story. You can also ask them how they think the character in the story was feeling, how they felt about the story, etc….