Rankin 5th Grade Musical is Coming Up!
The Rankin 5th grade students will be presenting a musical program entitled “I’m With the Band”. This special performance will take place on Thursday, April 18th at 6:30 p.m. (students must be here at 6:00 p.m.). Please plan to relax and enjoy a musical cruise through the development of modern music. As the 5th graders sing and perform a variety of music from influential bands and singer-songwriters from the 1950’s to the present.
Performance Dress: Students should wear white shirts, blue jeans and tennis shoes for the performance. Please NO dresses or dress shoes.
Attendance: This is a big night of fun for all 5th grade students and parents. The performance is also a music grade. If your child cannot be there that evening it is important that your contact Mrs. Hall, Rankin music teacher, as soon as possible so she can arrange an appropriate make-up assignment for your child. Mrs. Hall can be reached at 591-6794.